If that is not a movie title, it’s a lie… if I had the love life that I want; I would be blogging about happily ever after. That just sounded like a bitter single woman but what can I say, writing about all those misconceptions kinda got to me… All I am thinking right now is, how in a perfect world me and my imperfect perfect man will be star gazing right now but no I am not. Instead I am sitting here wishing for the love life that I want.
But come to think of it, that statement can be very true hey… like it’s all about the time and place, God’s timing. I painted my Monalisa down to the number of teeth the smile will show off but all I can do is ask God to grant me my Monalisa. As I type this I have faith like a little child, faith that one day when God has prepared me enough I will have the exact love life that I want. Work in progress…